Friday, May 6, 2011

My Recent Obsession...


Before you start picturing me in your head as a little miss Betty Crocker with goodies on decorated trays in my kitchen while I stand smiling proudly with flour smudged on my cheek and apron, know that I grew up not knowing how to cook. At all.

When I left for college, I knew how to use the microwave and the toaster and how to follow instructions on a box like for macaroni and cheese and hamburger helper. However, I only made easy, follow-the-box-instructions food. How I have maintained my figure, I'll never know. My family ate out of the home (fast food or sit down restaurant) at least once EVERY DAY. Yes. Sometimes more than once a day.

It wasn't until I went grocery shopping one spring day last year with my current boyfriend that I ever questioned my eating habits. I knew eating out wasn't healthy, so I definitely cut back on that, but I still bought every thing easy that came in a box with all the ingredients included. He saw me grabbing a box of pancake mix, and he asked me, "Why are you buying that?"
"... Because I love pancakes. And waffles. A lot. I make them all the time!"
"I know, but why don't you just buy flour and sugar? That's way cheaper."
"You mean, like, make it? From scratch? I don't know how to do that!"
*rolls his eyes* "It's super easy, I promise. And it's more cost efficient." (Yes, he really does talk this way)
"Um... Okay..."

Don't judge me. It's not like we're all born knowing how to cook. Someone teaches us. My mother is a good cook, but she doesn't like how time consuming it is and all the dishes that come with it, hence why I grew up eating a lot of take out. I have had a lot of free time at college on weekends and evenings, so I have slowly but surely started using recipes to make food from scratch.

I joined, which is a free online archive of thousands of recipes all submitted by other members, and I can read ratings, comments with additions/subtractions/general suggestions, and save an online recipe book of my favorites. It started with pancakes/waffles, then gradually moved on to biscuits, crepes, cakes, muffins, pies, soups, and even shake and bake chicken. I spend 90% of my money on groceries now so I can have more things to make in my kitchen, and I love every minute of it. Like today, I baked strawberry banana muffins (use half recipe: and banana bread (used a home recipe from my boyfriend's mother).

I have even become adventurous enough to make my own little creations, such as a delicious stir fry using whatever meat I have on hand as the base, fresh vegetables sliced and diced such as carrots and broccoli, an egg, and spices such as fajita seasoning and garlic salt. Serve on hot white rice and you have yourself an awesome dinner. I definitely don't think I'll ever be on Top Chef, but hopefully I will be able to make delicious meals for my future husband and children someday.

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