Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Geez Louise

I realize it's been almost five months since I last posted, but every time I started to it turned into a whine-fest, and let's be real, nobody wants to read that.

It is the first of May, and it finally feels like things are turning around for the better. I'm starting to enjoy singing again, which sounds weird since that is my major, but I have always seemed to fit outside the box. I have certain beliefs, pedagogically speaking, about singing that are completely different from that of most of the voice teachers, or the in-crowd as I like to think of them. I do believe, however, that I am on the verge of a break through, and with a little more research I will have one earth-shattering, world-rocking thesis. They won't see it coming. Bahaha.

What else is going on? Well I finally (last month) got money from my loans, so I don't feel like I'm literally living each month by saving my spare change, or asking for $20 from my folks to last me two weeks on groceries. I am totally capable of doing that, by the way. Learn the magic of coupons and of a place called Aldi, and you can learn, too.

That isn't to say that I'm now spending like a villain; I'm still a college student and trying to live frugally in a materialistic world. It's hard. But it's nice to have that cushion, you know?

I would also like to announce that I have been keeping up with flossing my teeth (though not every day), and have been getting my butt in shape (literally) from my dance aerobics class. Success for at least two of my New Year's Resolutions, which ironically was my last post!

Cannot deal with my life right now. So. Happy.

Which leads me to my next topic, I will be blogging about my trip, though maybe not while it's happening since I don't want to incur crazy roaming fees on my cell phone or have to rely on being able to find free wifi. But I WILL be taking pictures and keeping a notebook of what I did every day, and when I come back I will make a post for every day of my trip. Might make a new blog just for international adventures, because who could be satisfied with just one?!

For now, I bid you all adieu! Finals week is just around the corner (two weeks!) so I better get back to working on my final projects.

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